How to change the look/layout of your dokuwiki / install a new template.

  1. Download a template from here.
  2. Extract the downloaded template archive (usually a .zip or .tgz file) in the lib/tpl/ folder of your dokuwiki:
         * connect via ftp to the lib/tpl/ folder on the server and copy/upload the extracted template folder there (e.g. lib/tpl/arctic-mbo)
  3. Then select the template in the Config Manager  by adjusting the template option.
        * To open Config Manager it is necessary to be logged in as admin, then click on admin--> Configuration Settings --> template

 I use the arctic-mbo  template. I didn't like the table of contents at the top in the artic-mbo template, hence I set "Maximum level for table of contents" to 0.


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