If you prefer to truncate your code and have an extra button to show all code this article might be of interest to you:
Setting it up
Install the module collapse text and enable it.
navigate your browser to
and choose the text format, where you want to enable collapse text filter, e.g. filtered html.
In there mark
Collapsible text blocks
and put the filter at the end (very bottom) of the Filter processing order and click "Save configuration" (at the bottom of the page).
To use it, just wrap the text with
[collapse] text to wrap [/collapse].
To make the text collapsed initially, use
[collapsed] text to wrap [/collapsed],
(This will be expanded into .)
For collapsible code be sure that the [collapse] [/collapse] tags are in format "normal", see "code_collapse_tag_normal.jpeg" and the code has format "formatted", see "code_collapse_formatted.jpeg"
Changing the default text "Click here to expand or collapse this section"
Navigate your web-browser to
and select a text format. Scroll to the very bottom. Under "Filter settings", click on "Collapsible text blocks". There you can change the "Default title".
If you want to change the default text just once, include in your tag following
[collapsed title="expand / collapse"]
Integration with CKEditor
works with CKEditor, you only need to make sure that the tags have the Format "Normal".
To get a Button in CKEditor, you can use the Collapse Text Wysiwyg Sandbox Module.
Download it using the command (in a terminal)
git clone --branch 7.x-1.x http://git.drupal.org/sandbox/DYdave/1818438.git collapse_text_wysiwyg
Then put the downloaded folder collapse_text_wysiwyg into your contributed modules folder, e.g.:
and enable it from the modules administration/management page (flushing the cache might be necessary before the module appears at the module page).
Configuration of CKEditor Integration
After successful installation you should be able to see a "configure" link on the modules admin page, next to the "Collapse Text Wysiwyg" module.
click on the configure link Home » Administration » Configuration » Content authoring or directly browse to
There you can add the button
Insert Collapsible Text
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