Musescore: create customized blank sheet music lines - blank staff paper

To create customized blank sheet music lines in musescore (version 1.x), do following:

  1. open a new sheet music
  2. add an instrument, e.g. vocal -> voice
  3. choose no accidentals
  4. include a line break (left menu "breaks & spacer) leftmost symbol after each bar. Make sure that after each bar a line break is included.
  5. delete the title block
  6. change:  Style -> Edit general Style -> Page -> Page fill threshold: 100%
  7. last measure span the entire page: Style -> Edit general Style -> Page -> Last system fill threshold: 0%
  8. increase/reduce distance between each line in a staff: Layout -> Page settings -> Scaling: Space
  9. increase/reduce distance between staffs: Style -> Edit general Style -> Page -> system distance (for more or less blank lines)
  10. make all clefs and rests invisible: right click on a clef: Select -> All Similar Elements,  right click again on a clef: set invisible. To the same with the rests
  11. To fill the whole page with lines:
  • Decrease page margins: Layout -> page margins, set "Top margin" and "Bottom margin" to 5mm
  •  Reduce space to the bottom of the page:  Style -> Edit general Style -> Page -> Music lower margin: 0.0sp

11. Remove measure and page numbers: Style -> Edit general Style -> Uncheck "page numbers" and "measure numbers"

12. get rid of the indentation of the first staff line: This indentation is caused because of the full name of the instrument (e.g. "voice"). Right click on the first staff line -> Staff Properties and change the "long instrument name" to be the same as the "short instrument name" (e.g. "Vo."). Now each line has the same indentation due to the invisible instrument name Vo. If you want to get rid of this space, right click on Vo. -> select all similar elements -> Cut


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