Matlab: Read Hdf5 files

If you need to read in a hdf5 file (.h5) in matlab, use the function h5read.

The syntax is

data = h5read(filename,datasetname);


The "filename" is obvious, e.g. /the/path/to/the/file/name.h5. The "datasetname" can be found by using the tool hdfview or by using the linux terminal tool h5ls


 sudo apt-get install hdf5-tools


h5ls name_of_h5_file.h5

gives you an output like

DISPARITY                Dataset {7, 7, 375, 375}
coherence_h              Dataset {7, 7, 375, 375}
coherence_v              Dataset {7, 7, 375, 375}
disparity_h              Dataset {7, 7, 375, 375}
disparity_v              Dataset {7, 7, 375, 375}

the names in the first column are the datasetname, so e.g.

data = h5read('name_of_h5_file.h5', 'coherence_v');



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