matlab - loop through all files in a given folder in Unix

In matlab, if you want to process all files in folder and the files have rather different file names you can use following code snippet in Unix environments, like linux

%// use ls command to get a long string of all files you are interested in
[status,cmdout] = unix('ls /path/to/directory/*filesMustContainThisWord*');

%// convert that long string to cells, 
%// using the end of line character as the splitting point 
%// note: in other operating systems \r or \f
%//  or a combination might be the EOL character 
cmdout_cells = regexp(cmdout, '\n', 'split');

% // loop through all file names, last cell is empty ''
for i = 1 : length(cmdout_cells)-1
  fprintf('%s \n', cmdout_cells{i}); %// just prints the file names




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