Matlab: Plot objective and gradients (partial derivatives)

Given a function and the gradient/derivative function of it, this code can plot the function and for each dimension the partial derivatives.

If you want to minimize your objective function with a gradient based optimizer, then it sometimes comes handy to visualize the objective functions (or at least projections of it) and the gradient function. Then it is more easy to see if your gradients are correct and if the objective function is optimizable.

Of course another way to check if your gradients are correct is to compute the numerical gradient and compare the difference to your computed gradient.

NOTE ON THE CODE: If your matlab version does not provide the option MaxHeadSize whith quiver, you can have a look at

Here are some example images how the figure look like. In blue the objective function, in green the gradients/tangents.

objective and gradients matlab plot

objective and gradients matlab plot

The CODE for plotting the objective and the gradients:


And here an example script to call it


And here the Function that returns the objective and gradient:



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