Drupal - How to show content with the same tags below a menu tab

If you e.g. want to show all blog entries with the tag "bash" when clicking on the menu tab "bash", here is what you have to do.

Install following two modules:



and enable views, views ui and ctools.

go to
  structure > views > add new view

  View name: bash_view
  Show Content of type all tagged with YOUR-TAG sorted by Newest first  

Note that there must exist some content with the tag YOUR-TAG.

  check "Create a page"
  page title: None (leaf blank)
  path http://my-example-page.com/bash
  Display format: Unformatted list of teasers with links without comments
  items to display: 10
  check: use a pager
  check: create a menu link
  Menu: Main Menu
  Link text: bash
  Click on: Save and Exit


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